Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners

Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners

What is the Difference Between Bolt Tensioning and Bolt Torquing?

Hydraulic bolt tensioners of the highest quality! These innovative tools make tightening bolts a breeze, providing precision and power that traditional methods simply can’t match.

Hi-Force offers a complete range of subsea/top side bolt tensioners & hydraulic nuts which provide smooth and controlled clamp load when tension is being applied. You have a spring return series, a standard (manual) series & subsea version of bolt tensioners that are commonly used in service jobs.

For a more permanent solution in some instances, the hydraulic nut might be a better solution for occurrences where there is more of a periodic opening of a joint.

Hydraulic bolt tensioners are the ideal tool to save you time and effort. You can quickly and easily achieve the exact level of tension you require for any project. Forget about fiddling with hand wrenches or finding the right socket size. With hydraulic pressure, bolts can be tightened easily and precisely.

Hi-Force hydraulic bolt tensioning tools are extremely durable. They only use high-quality materials and construction methods to ensure that their tools can withstand even the most demanding jobs. These high pressure tensioners are ideal for any project, whether you’re a professional mechanic, a construction worker, or an industrial engineer.

The advantages of these tools over traditional tightening methods do not end there. They also improve job site safety. These bolt tensioning systems allow you to tighten bolts quickly and securely, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Bolt Tensioners for Wind Turbines

Hydraulic bolt tensioners are extremely advantageous for critical wind turbine applications. Proper torque levels must be precisely achieved on large bolts and studs throughout the nacelle, turbine housing, blades, and tower systems.

Hi-Force offers hydraulic tensioning solutions engineered specifically for wind turbine construction and maintenance. Our tensioner systems provide the necessary controlled pressure to properly preload bearings, gearbox components, structural joints, and large diameter bolts on main shafts and bedplates.

Custom designed reaction fixtures allow safe, hands-free operation. Automatic tensioners with pressure compensated pumps apply exact loads without operator influence. Hi-Force tensioners help customers achieve proper stretch-based hydraulically loaded connections on all wind turbine bolted joints.

Specific wind applications where Hi-Force delivers include:

  • Main bearing and gearbox studs
  • Bolt groups on bedplates
  • Nacelle frame joints
  • Hub and spindle bolting
  • Blade root joints
  • Yaw system bearings
  • Tower flange connections

At Alltorc, our wind turbine tensioners undergo rigorous testing to validate their performance under harsh conditions, including wide temperature fluctuations, high vibration, and weather exposure.

Please contact our engineering team to explore how Hi-Force can provide the optimal tensioning solution for your wind turbines.

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What are hydraulic bolt tensioners?

A hydraulic bolt tensioner is a high pressure hydraulic load cell that stretches the bolt before a techniican manually turns the nut which allows safe, effective and even clamp load when tightening.

What is the difference between hydraulic bolt tensioning and torquing?

Torque and Tension are two different methods that are trying to accomplish the same end goal – proper clamp load. Torque uses force to turn the nut which in-turn causes the stretch of the bolt to increase. After turning the nut to a set value, this should meet the engineering spec to achieve proper clamp load/force on your fastener. A bolt tensioner stretches the bolt first as opposed to turning/torquing the nut. Once the proper load has been achieved from the bolt tensioner, the nuts are turned hand tight. After all nuts have been secured, the pressure from the hydraulic tensioner is released back into the pump.

How do you use a hydraulic tensioner?

You first start by assesmbling a bolt tensioner to a bolt/stud. Once all components are connected you will connect your hose to the pump, you will proceed by building pressure and bringing your tensioner or tensioners to your first pressure rating. Once the bolt/nut have been lifted, you will turn the nut until you see no more gap between the nut and the surface of the application. Once the hydraulic pressure is released, the nut traps the remainder of the stretch in the bolt. This is when load is achieved.

How does a bolt tensioner work?

A bolt tesnioner uses a hydraulic load cell that surrounds the nut & bolt. Part of the tensioner uses a threaded puller to attach to the bolt. When the hydraulic cell is charged, the counter force due to the puller being threaded on to the bolt will cause the bolt to be stretched. While the bolt is stretched, you will manaully tighten the socket ring to hand tightern the nut then release the pressure. At this point clamp load has been achieved.